Hectic. Intense. 100 miles an hour. It’s a colourful circus we live where we are balancing on a tightrope, blowing fire, juggling balls and doing a triple somersault all at the same time, while we zigzag through nappies being swapped and “I want that yellow car – I had it first!”.
Sometimes I wish there was an Out Of Office button cos today, I wanna call in sick.
I think it is fair to say that I am not the only one feeling like this at times. So when the, shall we call it opportunity, arose for myself to stay home Friday to Tuesday, while hubby and kids stayed with the grandfolks.. let’s just say that the auction hammer for that object went BOOM. SOLD! DONE. End of discussion.
So. Much. Time. TO MYSELF.
I can’t remember last time I had 4 nights IN A ROW totally ALONE. Hmmm...was it...uhm… yeah nah, I have no idea. So it must have been aaaages ago. So therefor long overdue.
Friday 6:38 PM
The three guys in my life have been kissed and waved goodbye, and although I felt sad to see the red lights get small, smaller and then disappear round the corner, I did feel P R E T T Y good about being Home Alone. After tidying up the house that was UPSIDE DOWN, it was Me, Myself and I in total control of the remote control.
Saturday 8:07 AM
Argh! Why am I awake NOW?
Saturday 10:33 PM
Must say it has been a very successful day. Been for a run. Sun has been soaked in. Clothes washed. Nails painted. Rooms tidy. Closet organised. Retail Therapy check! Had a VERY yummy muffin. Dinner with a mama-friend. Now in bed as this mama is well passed her bedtime.
Sunday 8.34 AM
Not again!
By midday Sunday, I was ready for my tribe to come back home. The house felt too quiet. Too tidy. Too still. Everything was where I left it. There was no-one to cuddle. No-one to play games with. There were no huts being built. No books to read to excited little ears. No little cheeks to kiss. No grubby little hands to hold. Family Movie Night alone, no thanks.
I’m feeling like a kid at Christmas. I can’t wait for my DreamTeam to come home. Although that Circus is intense, it’s mine. It’s ours. We’ve created it and ohh boy! is it awesome!
// Adventures of Fred & Bill's mama